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Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I'm pregnant!!! My OH My....I'm Pregnant!!!!

I can't beleive it, I didn't notice I was pregnant. I never thought in a million years that I would be worthy enough to hold something as precious as this. It's been developing all along and I haven't even prepared. Oh Lord, please help me....because I'm not ready....

This thing growing inside me is more valuable then rubies or fine gold;...it's that of a dream.... ad ream that isn't quite clear, but the Lord tells me "it doesn't need to be...obedience is key" I can't beleive i didn't realize all this time, all the roller coaster feelings, all the sickness and lost of strength, all the confusion and anxiety.... Yep, def pregnant....But because I know who my baby daddy is, I don't have to worry about not having things paid (cause he's paid it all), I don't have to worry about him not being around (cause he's omnipresent)....He's everything I could ask for and more....so why am I shakeing in my boots???
I'm shaking in my boots because the Doctor( oh yea, he's also a physican) is callling for an emergency c-section, and i'm not quite prepared. I was already operating in something i wasn't suppose to be, for too long, and now that i'm out; i'm to give birth to some thing i haven't fully planned for...Awwww Mannnnnn!!!!!!
I'm scared....terrified....nauseated................BUT GOD....WOOOOO....HALLELUJAH......
God promised that he would never leave me nor forsake me, so all i can do is...watch friendships, relationships,....ME~myself.... die, get reborn, or be create Anew...
This pregnancy has been a hard one, with the aches and pains, the swelling and stretch marks,...BUT GOD.....
As i get ready to give birth, the Lord yells push!, push!, push!....(and that's where I'm at...the pushing process)....while i yell i can't take anymore of what's going on around me....I must realize, I'm in my last trimester, i'm on the birthing table, so in the mist of the yelling and screaming I can see the crowning....OH MY!!! it's comin...it's coming...it's coming!!!!....awwwww....it's here (i'm proclaiming in JESUS NAME).... it's here...I think I'll call it My Dream....no better yet....the Lord's ministry....no wait!....God's vision.....cute huh????...lol

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