Pick Me Ups...lol

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Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I'm sitting here at work, reading over the blogs once written and i wonder....can i retract the blogs once wrote. I think i spoke to prematurely on somethings and about somethings. Now I feel utterly stupid. Then another thought crossed my mind, can i retract some people. Why isn't that possible? Better yet, why can't I fast from certain people...lol...a smile comes on face as just try to envision. I can't be friends with them right (just me), and I can't cast them away (not Godly), so wat?....OOO hear I go sounded like the victim again....oopss!!! let me stop before a riot breakes out. I've been pushin and pushin and pushin for something in a relationship, that will never become and now my tanks on "E". No!!! my tank was on "E" before the lashing out begin no I'm just runnin on fumes, and once I'm out, I'm OUT!!!! (no threat, just reality) If i could i would retract all the statements i once gave, bad and good....since u can't win for losing, the game should never be played. If I could I would retract from myself, since I'm causing my own pain... Who am I to deviate anyones progress....actually who said I was that important...o-o-o victim, victim, victim...sorry sorry....I guess I can't help it...oh well it is wat it is!!!!!

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