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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Inner Critic

Throughout my everyday walk and even in my own mind...i hear, i see, and have experience these following statements...
I'm too short
I'm to skinny
I don't have long real hair
I have stretch marks
I need to lose a couple of pounds
I wish i had what she got
I wish I was, what he is....

It's never seem to fail...the same complaints, worries, and DISTRACTIONS, have crossed our minds to many times to count...The more i did it the more distracted I became... I continually ask the Lord every day to help me not complain and worry about the things that's not going to help enhance my spiritual legacy, then the Lord said..."You shouldn't say things about yourself that others don't see, it only insults them." I just laughed and said "wat???" i truly didn't get it, so i prayed.
Then it hit me like a rushing flood, when he said oithers, he didn't mean people, HE meant the angels HE has put around me. They don't see my faults or acknowledge the complaints i have, because i am beautiful, and anything i say that isn't lovely about me, is a contradiction to God's loving work....for nothing he has made has flaws...he's made us perfect for who we are...
so who cares if
your teeth are crooked
or you got a lazy eye
it doesn't matter if your a little bigger than you was 10 years ago
He doesn't see all that
all He sees is His loving child

And I have no right to take that away...


  1. I like this one Kenya. This is soo true. We aren't made for people or even ourselves, we are made for God.
